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Unlock a Healthier You with 8 Tips for a Healthy Eating Week

Updated: Aug 22

Dive into a week of delicious transformation! Who said healthy eating has to be boring? This guide equips you with 8 simple yet powerful tips for a healthy eating week. We'll explore practical strategies that not only nourish your body and eat fit but also tantalize your taste buds.

Get ready to discover hidden gems in the world of healthy foods, create satisfying meals, and embark on a journey towards a more vibrant you!

woman on scale taking weight before starting healthy eating week

8 Tips for A Healthy Eating Week

Looking to level up your diet this week? Here are 8 easy tips to get you started! From incorporating colourful fruits and veggies to choosing healthy fats and staying hydrated, these small changes can make a big difference.

So ditch the processed snacks, embrace whole foods, and get ready to feel your best!

1. Prep Like A Pro

Before you rush to the shop, focus on all the things stored in your cupboards or pantry. 

We have all bought those packs of chickpeas, lentils or dried algae (!) that we never had time to cook with.

The best way is to put everything outside and organise it according to the category, e.g. legumes, different types of rice, pasta, flours, teas, spices, cans, etc.

Also, check your freezer. You may find some things you completely forgot about, and now may be a good time to use them!

Checking on what you already have at home will prevent you from panic buying and also from buying too much. It will help you to craft a successful plan to eat fit this week!

2. Pantry Powerhouse: Building a Balanced Diet with Macronutrients and Polyphenols


After checking your cupboards, you can start thinking about the different macronutrient categories.

Think about healthy fats, proteins and carbohydratesas well as sources of antioxidants and polyphenols.

A body with less oxidative stress will be better equipped to fight any infection.

Here are some examples of good sources of:

  • Healthy fats: olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, nuts. Healthy fats aid in nutrient absorption and also boost metabolism.

  • Proteins: fatty fish, good quality meat, legumes and beans

  • Carbohydrates: rice, sweet potatoes, butternut squash

  • Antioxidants and Polyphenols: fruits and vegetables, dark chocolate (above 70%), different teas, herbs are spices.

3. Boost Your Gut

Gut health is very important during a healthy eating week.

Here's why:

  • Absorb Nutrients: Get the most out of your healthy meals by ensuring your body efficiently absorbs essential vitamins and minerals.

  • Digest Smoothly: A balanced gut can avoid bloating and discomfort and keep you on track with your healthy choices.

  • Stay Strong: A healthy gut microbiome supports your immune system, helping you fight off illness and stay committed to your healthy week.

  • Fight Cravings & Stay Positive: A happy gut curbs stress temptations and keep your outlook bright!

  • Embrace Variety: As our gut microbiome likes variety, try not to eat the same meal for lunch every day. Try to be creative! You could try these immune-boosting recipes during your healthy eating week to naturally promote a healthy gut microbiome!

4. How Kitchen Tools Can Boost Your Healthy Eating Week

eletric pressure cooker

Embarking on a healthy eating week is a fantastic way to nourish your body and feel your best. But sometimes, the thought of all that meal prep can feel daunting.

Let's explore some kitchen tools to supercharge your healthy eating week and eat fit:

  • Slow Cooker: This is ideal for preparing certain meals, such as meat, legumes, and beans, as the long cooking time makes them more digestible.

  • Pressure Cooker: This is great to prepare your own bone broth at home using a pressure cooker in no time. You just need bones, spices and some vegetables (any bones left from a chicken dinner or Sunday roast will do).

  • Juicer: Great for Instant Nutrient Boost. Add a bunch of vegetables, fresh herbs, ginger, and turmeric, and after juicing, place them in a container you normally use for ice cubes. They will last for longer! You can also freeze your broth in the same way.

5. Supercharge Your Meals: Simple Strategies for Lasting Nutrition and Digestibility

healthy eating tips about sprouting times for legumes and nuts

Here are some general rules for making food more digestible, last longer and preserving nutrients:

  • Pick long-lasting produce: apples, onions, garlic, butternut squash, and (sweet) potatoes. (Extra tip: Store onions and potatoes separately from apples and bananas!)

  • Dry it out: Wrap fresh products in a paper towel to keep them dry as any moisture contributes to faster spoiling.

  • Soak and sprout: Sprouted legumes, beans, and grains are much more digestible

  • Fermented vegetables: You can ferment vegetables yourself. You will just need a jar, some salt and water. The process of fermentation and food preservation with salt is an ancient technique which also adds good bacteria to your gut.

  • Cool it down: While pasta isn't the best choice during a healthy eating week, believe it or not, cooling cooked pasta or potatoes before reheating increases resistant starch, which is good for you!

  • Frozen foods: Eating fit doesn't have to be complicated! Stock up on frozen vegetables and lean proteins for quick and healthy meals throughout the week. Freezing preserves nutrients and makes them last longer. So buy frozen vegetables, fruits, herbs, meat, seafood, fish, even garlic or ginger) or freeze immediately after buying.

  • Canned Goods (in moderation): Opt for BPA-free cans to avoid xenoestrogens. Good choices are sardines, mackerel, tomatoes, beans, or coconut milk with no added ingredients.

  • Dried is good: Stock up on dried spices, mushrooms, and even seaweed (like nori) for added flavour and nutrients.

  • Powder Power: Consider powdered versions of some ingredients, like coconut milk, for convenience.

6. Beat the Cravings: Delicious & Healthy Snack Ideas for Busy Days

healthy fruits skewers and yoghurt

When you spend more time at home or under stress, you may tend to deviate towards more unhealthy sugary snacks.

When in that situation, try to ask yourself why you crave certain foods such as biscuits.

See if there are other ways you may meet that need (e.g. hug, 10 min of rest, drinking herbal tea, taking 10 deep breaths).

So, packing healthy lunches and snacks is key to "eating fit" on the go.

There are plenty of delicious and satisfying "eat fit" snacks to keep you on track. Here are some options:

  • nuts with honey (e.g. almonds)

  • fruits with nut butter (e.g. apple with almond butter)

  • dates with walnuts

  • tahini on dark chocolate

  • apple with cinnamon

  • frozen fruit sorbet

  • canned fish

  • hardboiled eggs

  • vegetables stick with hummus.

7. Food for Thought: Savor Your Meals

MINDFUL healthy EATING tips

We tend to eat ‘on the go’ and not to pay too much attention to How we eat. So it may be a good opportunity to slow down and eat with more awareness.

Mindful eating is crucial for a successful healthy eating week because it increases awareness of hunger and fullness cues.

Moreover, it helps us to make healthier food choices and improve digestion, thanks to chewing food thoroughly.

Mindful eating consists in:

  • eating in a seated position

  • taking deep breaths before eating

  • smelling and looking at our food (remember that the digestion process starts in the brain!)

  • taking small bites and then

  • chewing multiple times and

  • feeling the texture

  • really tasting it

By incorporating mindful eating practices into your healthy eating week, you'll be more likely to make sustainable changes to your diet and experience the full benefits of healthy eating.

8. Hydration is Key

Water is essential for optimal health.

Don't mistake thirst for hunger! Often, we eat thinking we're hungry when we're just thirsty.

Aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily. It helps regulate body temperature, aids in digestion and keeps you feeling energized. For a refreshing twist, spruce it up with slices of lemon, cucumber, or berries.

8 Tips for a Healthy Eating Week: Key Points

  • Plan & Prep: Clean out your pantry, focus on whole foods, and prioritize gut health with prebiotics and probiotics.

  • Kitchen Hacks: Utilize tools like slow cookers and freezers for healthy meal prep.

  • Make Food Last: Choose long-lasting produce, dry fresh items, and freeze or buy frozen options. Opt for BPA-free canned goods.

  • Smart Snacks: Fight cravings with healthy options like nuts & fruits.

  • Mindful Eating: Slow down, then savour your food, and listen to your body's hunger cues.

  • Hydrate! Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

These tips will help you have a successful and enjoyable healthy eating week!


Written by Dr Klaudia Raczko. Klaudia is a medical doctor with extensive training in nutrition as well as conventional medicine. She has a special interest in nutrition, microbiome, lifestyle and personalised medicine. She uses medication-free, lifestyle solutions based on the Functional Medicine approach to optimise her clients' health and manage chronic health conditions.


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