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Unravelling Menses Mysteries: Solutions for Irregular Periods & PMS Symptoms

Confused by your cycle? Facing irregular periods or unpredictable mood swings? You're not alone! This guide dives into the world of menses symptoms, unpacking the mysteries of irregular periods (and what might cause them!). We'll explore PMS, its meaning and symptoms. But most importantly, we'll equip you with solutions to help you confidently navigate your menstrual journey.

woman wondering about her irregular menses symptoms with a calendar in her hands

Get Your Period Back on Track: Simple Solutions for Menses Symptoms

Irregular Periods

Irregular menses can be a source of frustration and confusion. Periods can be wonky: too soon, too late, or missing altogether. Here's what might be going on and how to get them back on track:

Unpredictable periods

What it means: The menstrual cycle (the time between your periods) isn't consistent.

What you can do:

  • Aim for a regular routine: Build more structure and consistency with meals, sleep, and exercise. A stable routine helps regulate your hormones, which can improve period regularity. Moreover, limit crazy travel, too, as flights can disrupt and interfere with cycle timing.

  • Manage stress: Stress can disrupt your hormones and lead to unpredictable periods. Ask yourself: “Is the rest of my life regular? Relax and unwind. Take breaks and avoid chaotic people and places when possible.

Spotting between periods

What it means: It refers to light bleeding outside your regular menstrual cycle. It usually occurs in a small amount of light pink or brown blood.

What you can do:

  • Consider underlying causes: Spotting can be caused by various factors, including hormonal changes, birth control, or certain health conditions.

Lack of period (Amenorrhoea)

What it means: Medically known as Amenorrhoea, this means the absence of menstruation for an extended period. Primary Amenorrhea occurs when a person hasn't gotten their first period by age 15. While Secondary Amenorrhea refers to a woman who has missed her period for three or more months in a row.

What you can do:

  • Maintain a healthy diet:  Eat a balanced diet with whole grains, colourful veggies, and spices. Some of the best fertility-boosting foods to include would be winter squash, carrots, parsnips, and sweet pot; pungent vegetables and spices such as leeks, onion, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, fennel, and nutmeg.

  • Focus on cooked meals: Cooking can unlock more nutrients in some vegetables and make them easier to digest.

Periods are late or struggle to start.

What it means: A period is generally considered late if it arrives more than a week after your expected start date. Struggle to Start refers to a very delayed period (several weeks or months late).

What you can do:

  • Vigorous Exercise: Exercise a little more before your period usually comes. This could help to trigger the start of the period.

  • See a doctor: If your periods are consistently late or struggle to start altogether, it's important to consult a healthcare professional. They can investigate the cause and recommend appropriate treatment.

PMS Rollercoaster

Feeling irritable or weepy for no reason? It could be PMS, meaning premenstrual syndrome, a hormonal shift that brings a wave of emotional and physical changes and menses symptoms.

But the idea that PMS's only meaning is that you get cranky is a common misconception! ù

Understanding PMS meaning can help you deal with:

  • Mood swings

  • Anxiety

  • Irritability

PMS Causes:

1. Hormonal ups and downs: Your body's hormones naturally shift throughout your cycle. This can cause mood swings and other PMS symptoms.

2. Unhealthy diet:

  • Sugar crashes: Avoid spikes and dips in blood sugar by eating balanced meals.

  • Unhealthy fats: Limit unhealthy fats that can make you feel sluggish and may cause pressure on the liver.

  • Too much salt: Go easy on the salt to avoid bloating, which may cause fluid retention.

  • B vitamin blues: Coffee and sugar can deplete B vitamins, important for a healthy nervous system and emotional balance. Ensure you get enough B vitamins from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

3. Prostaglandins imbalance: These hormone-like chemicals cause uterine spasms, slow circulation, and pain in hands and feet.

PMS Symptoms:

Understanding PMS meaning and menses symptoms can help you navigate the emotional and physical rollercoaster that can happen before your period.

1. Emotional outpouring/hypersensitivity

  • Feeling down or on edge: Hormonal changes can make you feel more emotional.

  • Negative thoughts: It's easy to get stuck in a negative loop, but remember you can change your thoughts! A positive mindset is necessary for any healing journey.

  • Self-doubt: Be kind to yourself! Everyone experiences PMS differently.

sad woman on a couch experiencing pms symptoms

Here's what you could try:

  • Visualisation and Affirmations can empower the mind and create positive thought patterns.

  • Meditation can teach us how to breathe deeply, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system and calms the mind and emotions.

  • Self-observation and reflection are valuable tools for listening to our real needs. So develop your intuition and learn to trust it! Become aware of your weaknesses, be thankful to them and see them as guidelines for behaviour, not as things to feel wrong about. Because if we can look at them in this way, they may point us in a better direction and teach us how to take better care of ourselves.

  • Start a journal may start a daily/weekly journal and take some notes throughout the month.

In sum, listen to your body and learn to recognise different menses symptoms through the diverse phases of your cycle before they overwhelm you! Pay attention to how you feel physically and emotionally. Do certain things make you feel better or worse during different parts of your cycle?

2. Physical Discomfort

Feeling achy or uncomfortable? Here are some tips:

  • Bloating: Try gentle exercise and avoid salty foods. Add natural diuretics such as raw/steamed garlic and cabbage. Add 1 tsp dried parsley in hot water three times daily.

  • Headaches: Rest, stay hydrated, and apply peppermint oil to your temples. You can also try getting a foot massage, which may help to reduce energy.

  • Fatigue: Feeling low on energy? Listen to your body and take a break.

  • Breast tenderness: Massaging the breast and trying to do side stretches to elongate the breast tissues.

  • Pain in ovulation: Apply Heat on the lower abdomen/back to relax the pelvis and rest.

  • Heavy blood flow (Menorrhagia): Avoid strenuous exercise whilst bleeding, but move your body to keep the energy moving. Stretching can be helpful. But, if your energy is too, try to rest!

  • Pain due to cramping of the uterus (Dysmenorrhoea): Apply heat to the lower abdomen. A hot water bottle can relax spasming muscles. Moreover, avoid stimulants (coffee, cigarettes, sugar, processed food) and Move your body! Gentle exercise, such as dancing, can help ease cramps and boost mood.

  • Lower back pain due to sacroiliac joints being too loose: You may also want to use a tennis or golf ball to roll along the lumbar spine, sacrum, and buttocks to relieve some of the tension. Wearing a pregnancy belt provides physical support to the pelvis and may ease lower back pain.

Menses Symptoms Due to Underlying Conditions

Sometimes, irregular menses or other menstrual issues can be a sign of underlying conditions, such as PCOS, Fibroids or Endometriosis. If you're experiencing these issues, seeing a doctor to get a diagnosis and discuss treatment options is important.

Here are some resources that you might find helpful:

If you suffer from irregular menses, you may also try these natural hacks specific to estrogen-dominant conditions:

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects a woman's reproductive system. Typical Pcos menses symptoms are irregular periods, excess androgen (male hormone) levels, and multiple cysts (fluid-filled sacs) in the ovaries.

pcos irregular periods symptoms

What you can do:

  • Identify and work on potential unexpressed emotions, resentment, anger, and frustration.

  • Move the pelvis by gently rotating your hips and tilting your pelvis, or try belly dancing!

  • Try Fertility Acupuncture! Studies have shown that acupuncture may help improve fertility for women with PCOS. It helps regulate hormones, therefore, ovulation and improve egg quality. 


Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus. The most common symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain, especially around your period.

What you can do:

  • Dry Brushing and Body scrubs are easy way to move blood.

  • You can also try visualization techniques to release stagnation.

Unexplained Infertility

If you're struggling to conceive, irregular periods or other menstrual issues could be a factor.

In fact, irregular menses make it difficult to track an ovulation cycle for pregnancy planning.

There can be many reasons why someone might experience infertility, and it's not always easy to find a cause.

Possible causes:

  • Physical: Obesity. Being underweight. Misplaced womb. Poor circulation.

  • Emotional: Jealousy. Anger. Self-pity

What you can do:

  • Regular exercise and relaxation

  • Well balanced diet

  • Body scrubs

Check our tips for planning fertility care, learning about your reproductive health and how to support yourself naturally in this journey.

The Power of Knowledge 

Understanding your cycle, PMS meaning, menses symptoms, and the potential causes of these problems is the first step towards finding solutions.

Here are some resources to help you on your journey:

  • Track Your Cycle: Recording your period dates, symptoms, and any changes can provide valuable insights.

  • Talk to Your Doctor: Don't hesitate to discuss your concerns with a healthcare professional. They can help identify any underlying issues and recommend personalized treatment options.

  • Explore Natural Solutions: Lifestyle changes such as stress management, dietary adjustments, and exercise can significantly improve menstrual health.


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