Be Positive, Think Positive: Combat Stress By Cultivating 7 Zen Habits For A Happy Mind
Updated: Jun 24, 2024
ZEN HABITS: 1. Mindful Meditation | 2. De-Clutter | 3. Sun Salutations | 4. De-stress from Work | 5. Healthy Fats | 6. Bake | 7. Partner Massage
Feeling overwhelmed by stress? Does negativity seem to cloud your days? You're not alone. But there's good news! This article offers a path to a calmer, happier you. We'll explore 7 powerful "Zen positive thinking habits" to combat stress. By incorporating these simple practices into your daily routine, you can unlock a world of inner peace, well-being, and a happy mind, empowering yourself to overcome these challenges!

No.1 : Combat Stress With Mindfulness Meditation
Meditation is a great way to combat stress as it can:
Calm the mind, quieting the constant chatter in your head
Train your mind, strengthening your ability to stay calm amidst stressful situations.
Press the Reset button
Let's discover 5 ways to create daily mindfulness positive thinking habits & enjoy all benefits of meditation now!
Set an intention to motivate you and remind you why you are meditating, such as: "This meditation is making me able to tolerate difficult people in my life…" Choose an image, a colour, or a photo that represents your intention. Come back to this image whenever your mind slips back into the ‘busy’ mode, either during your meditation or any of your daily tasks. Use a scent such as Frankincense Oil to help you concentrate. Make it a ‘gate’ that grants access to that calm place in your mind.
You can meditate just about anywhere. The more you’re used to meditating, the less the environment matters. But in the beginning, make the space where you meditate feel special. Set up a corner of your bedroom or living room by playing some relaxing meditation music, placing a yoga mat, a meditation cushion, and add things that make you feel inspired and alive - a scented candle, a beautiful crystal, a pebble, a seashell, a feather, a plant, a little Buddha or meditation beads around your neck. Allow yourself to be supported, inspired, and nourished by the energy of the space during your meditation. This space can be your safe refuge when you need to combat stress.
We are used to criticising ourselves, which is useful when it helps us improve, make better choices and decisions, and move things forward. And yet, for the time of your mindfulness meditation, it’s important to send your inner critic on a break. For this occasion, invite your inner observer instead. Watch the inside of your head like you’re watching a movie. Step back and set yourself on a journey of seeing the content of your head from a completely different perspective. It can be mind-blowing!
When you observe yourself without the compulsion of making decisions about your every single thought or emotion and labelling it ‘good’ or ‘bad’, you access the area of your subconscious mind. Be careful here; you may encounter the source of endless creativity, joy and light, but you also may encounter deeply rooted fears, anxiety, and traumas. You’ll need to work through those before you dive deeper. Sometimes, the help of a therapist or a spiritual coach is necessary. To combat stress efficiently and cultivate a happy mind, keep practising BEING, not DOING, and be gentle with yourself. Don’t hesitate to ask for help whenever needed.
Whatever is going on in your meditation journey, it’s okay! Be kind to yourself even if the road is bumpy. Even if you think you’re not doing so well. Stay kind and loving because that’s what you truly are and what you truly deserve. You can find it helpful to place hands off your chest and breathe deeply into your heart to connect with a place of compassion, love and joy that sometimes gets ignored and forgotten in a world where we need to fight, confront and protect to survive.
No.2: Three-Box Decluttering
If you’re trying to simplify your life, it’s best to start decluttering! Studies have shown that decluttering may help to:
Reduce Stress and Anxiety while Improving Your Sleep
Boost Productivity and Creativity
Save money and Discover Lost Treasures
Organize your storage smartly and easier to clean
Think & stay positive :-)

Prepare three separate boxes and label them: Trash, Donate, Maybe.
Choose a room, drawer, shelf, desk …
Go through each shelf or drawer at once, and use the three boxes to quickly sort everything without overthinking. You can use the Maybe box for stuff you’re not too sure about—you can put it in storage for a few months and decide later.
Put back all the stuff left out that you love and use!.. In a nice and tidy way.
No.3: Combat Stress And Energise Your Body With This 10-Minute Sun Salutation Flow!
Sun Salutations are a great way to start your day by moving your body in a gentle yet energising way. Sun Salutations can help you to:
tone and lengthen your muscles, eliminating the morning stiffness
activate your circulatory system
strengthen your nervous and digestive system
boost your immunity
get centred and more connected to yourself
start the day with a smile on your face :-)
No.4: Combat Work Stress-Related Thoughts In Your Free Time
Are work stress-related thoughts following you at home? Work stress can have a negative physical and mental impact on your health, but there are several things you can do to help alleviate its effects.
Watch this fun TED talk & learn how to turn off work stress thought during your free time effectively!
No.5: Add Healthy Fats To Your Diet To Combat Stress Deliciously
Research has shown healthy fats are some of the best ingredients to combat stress and cultivate a happy mind. Incorporating healthy fats like fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and avocados into your diet can give your body the tools it needs to manage stress more effectively while boosting metabolism.
Let's see why:
Supporting Brain Function: Healthy fats, especially omega-3s, contribute to producing neurotransmitters that regulate mood and stress response. As a result, you may feel calmer and more focused under pressure.
Hormonal Regulation: Certain healthy fats (such as avocados and nuts) may help regulate cortisol levels, the body's stress hormone.
Improved Blood Flow: Healthy fats contribute to healthy blood flow, which is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, including the brain. This improved circulation can support cognitive function and resilience under stress.
Feel fuller for longer: Healthy fats promote satiety, thus helping to regulate blood sugar levels. They may also prevent crashes that can contribute to irritability and mood swings often associated with stress.
No. 6: Miracle No-Knead Bread
Another activity to combat stress, boost your mental and emotional wellbeing? Try BAKING! Not only you will enjoy the unbeatable taste of fresh-from-the-oven goods, but baking will help you to alleviate stress, allowing you to express yourself creatively and think more positive.
So here’s my favourite, SO UNBELIEVABLY GOOD and ridiculously easy to make recipe to make bread!
Enjoy and send me a picture of your miracle bread :-)
No.7. Soothing Partner Hand Massage
Spending all day in front of your laptop? Ask your loved one to relieve your hand fatigue and feel rejuvenated with this very easy hand massage!
Proven to be a quick and simple way to release those great endorphins which will make you feel awesome, and by relaxing you, will help you to think more positively and face life with a smile!
Moreover, a gentle hand massage can be a wonderful way to support a cancer patient, bringing comfort and relaxation to your loved one. This simple act of caring can ease tension and promote feelings of well-being.
For ultimate relaxation, treat yourself to a full-body massage. It's a stress-busting way to cultivate inner peace, even without a partner.
We hope you enjoyed this post! Positive thinking habits can truly transform your life and combat stress naturally. Which of these resonated most with you? We'd love to hear your experiences in the comments – what positive thinking habits have helped YOU cultivate a happy mind?