Optimising Your Massage Experience: Aftercare Tips and Contra Actions
Updated: Jan 14
Rest is Key | Contra Actions | Contra-Indications | Powerful Massage Aftercare Secrets | Key Takeaways

Indulged in a blissful massage session? Now, let's maximise its benefits! This article will guide you through the best practices following your massage, from hydration to gentle movement. Then, we'll explore potential "contra actions" and contraindications where massage might not be advisable.
By understanding these, you can ensure a smooth recovery and experience the full potential of your massage therapy. So, get ready to transform your massage into a springboard for lasting well-being!
Massage Aftercare: Why Rest is Key After a Treatment
To get the most benefits from your Deep tissue Massage or any massage therapy, it is best to wait at least 24 hours for 4 main reasons, which we have listed below.
1) Thixotropic Effect
Have you ever heard of the thixotropic effect? This term defines the effect that sustained pressure has on connective tissue, making it more gel-like.
Imagine your muscles like thick honey. After a massage, they become softer and more pliable, like warm honey. This lasts for about 24 hours. If you exercise too soon, you risk straining your still-soft muscles. It's like trying to sculpt warm honey—it can easily lose shape.
Plus, pushing yourself too soon can undo the massage's good work. It's like ironing out a wrinkle but then immediately crinkling it back up!
2) Muscle Soreness
Feeling sore after a massage? It's actually a good sign! During a deep tissue massage, we try to break up groups of muscles (the so-called muscle knots). This action causes tiny micro-tears in the muscle along the way, similar to what happens after a tough workout.
This normal function of massage therapy allows an influx of oxygen-rich blood to reach the muscles. It helps to flush out the byproducts of hard exercise, delivering fresh nutrients. Thus, it heals that area.
However, it can also lead to temporary soreness and maybe even a little achiness – like after a workout.
So, if you feel sore after a massage, follow this important massage aftercare advice: Take it easy on exercise for a day or two. Exercising could further increase the muscle soreness you’re experiencing after the session.

3) Muscle Recovery Time
Think of your muscles like a house after a big renovation. During a massage, we break down tight muscles like tearing down walls. This creates tiny tears (like small bits of debris) that your body needs to clean up and rebuild with stronger, healthier muscle (like a brand-new wall).
This rebuilding process takes time, usually 24-48 hours. If you jump into a tough workout too soon, it's like trying to rebuild the house while the debris is still everywhere. You might end up causing more damage instead of building something stronger.
In fact, a muscle needs around 24-48 hours to repair and rebuild. During this process, lactic acid and old muscle fibres are removed and replaced with new ones. Therefore, exercising too soon could cause tissue breakdown instead of building new, solid, healthy fibres.
So, after a deep tissue massage, hold off on intense exercise. Give your body the time to clean up and rebuild your muscles!
4) Relaxation
You will be likely to feel both relaxed and tired. A good massage therapy session usually switches on the “repairing” mode in your body, the process of cleaning and healing. As a result, you will naturally slow down.
If you exercise, the oxygen that is supposed to supply your muscles for repair and rebuild will be used for your workout, and you will come out with a beautiful post-massage feeling!
So, prioritise aftercare massage practices like rest, hydration, and healthy eating to maximise your session's healing and relaxation effects.

Pre-Massage Choices Impact Results
Have you ever heard the word "treatment contra action"? Let's understand the difference between this and contraindications.
So, what is a Contra action? A contra action is an adverse reaction during or immediately after treatment. A contraindication is a pre-existing condition for which massage might not be advisable.
Your Body Talks: Post-Massage Effects
Everyone reacts differently to deep tissue massage, depending on what you did beforehand.
Night Out? If you partied hard the night before, a massage contra action you might experience could be headache or nausea. Alcohol dehydrates the body, which can worsen these effects.
Tough Workout? Expect post-massage soreness if you just crushed a long run or intense workout. Massage breaks up tight muscles, similar to exercise, so some soreness is normal.
Understanding When Massage Might Not Be the Best Choice
Contraindications are pre-existing conditions where massage might not be advisable or must be modified for safety. Here are Some Examples:
blood clots
open wounds
recent surgery
recent fractures
bone fragility (for deep tissue massage)
pregnancy (in the first trimester)
Communicating freely with your therapist before and during your massage is important. If you can, fill out the consultation form before your treatment. Tell your therapist about any health conditions or medications you're taking to determine if there are any contraindications.
Moreover, if you experience discomfort during the massage, let your therapist know immediately. So it can adjust the treatment for the best outcome.
Massage Aftercare: 7 Post-Session Secrets
1) Avoid strenuous exercise
We intend vigorous exercise such as running, weight lifting, high-intensity aerobics, or power yoga classes. Relax and take it easy for at least 24 hours after a bodywork session.
Why? Avoid injuries and give time to your body to heal itself.

2) Stay Hydrated & Avoid Caffeine
Why do you need to get plenty of fluids after a massage? Water may speed up the body’s digestion. It also assists the kidneys in flushing out the toxins that have been moved back into the bloodstream through the bodywork.

3) Take a hot Epsom salt bath
Epsom salt baths are a budget-friendly massage aftercare advice to support muscle recovery after a deep tissue massage.
The magnesium in Epsom salts can help your body eliminate toxins and reduce muscle inflammation while promoting relaxation. Moreover, the warm water further soothes muscles.
Add 1/2 cup to 1 cup of Epsom salts to a warm bath and soak for 20-40 minutes.

4) Foam Rolling and Ice Packs
Experiencing after massage soreness? While exercise is best avoided, here are two techniques to tame lingering discomfort:
Foam Rolling: This self-massage tool can help loosen tight muscles and improve circulation, easing soreness.
Ice Therapy: Apply ice packs to sore areas for 10-15 minutes at a time to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Avoid direct skin contact.

5) Fuel up on whole foods
Healthy, nutrient-rich foods can maximise the benefits of your massage. Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals, and lean protein aids muscle repair. This will help your body recover efficiently and leave you feeling energised and rejuvenated.

6) Light Exercise After Massage
If you do want to exercise, choose moderate walking, gentle stretching, or swimming laps.
If you want or need to work out on the day of the treatment, make sure you exercise before coming for the massage!
7) Bathe in the Post-Massage Glow
Your massage isn't just about physical relaxation; it's a feel-good experience for your mind, too!
Thanks to the release of endorphins, those natural "happy chemicals," you might experience a sense of euphoria and well-being after your session. One of the best massage aftercare advice we can give you is to Savour this natural high!
Let the positive feelings wash over you and enjoy the lasting sense of calm and relaxation.

Key Takeaways
Prepare your body for the best massage experience. Stay hydrated and avoid strenuous activity right before your appointment. This will help you feel your best during and after your massage!
Rest for Recovery: Wait at least 24 hours after a deep tissue massage to avoid straining sore muscles and allow for proper healing.
Listen to Your Body: Expect temporary soreness after the massage, similar to a workout. Take it easy on exercise for a day or two.
Hydration is Key: Drink plenty of water after your massage to help flush out toxins and promote healing.
Relax and Refuel: Choose healthy foods rich in nutrients to support muscle repair and recovery. If you need to move, opt for light exercise like walking or gentle stretching.
Enjoy the Benefits: Savor the feeling of relaxation and well-being brought on by the massage and the release of endorphins.
With this massage aftercare advice, you're now equipped to tackle sore muscles after a workout and maximise the benefits of your massage treatment! Remember, proper aftercare—like staying hydrated and listening to your body—is key to unlocking the full potential of your massage experience!